Our Facilities
At Orchardown Care Home the kitchen is on the ground floor and we have two chefs. There is a wide range of food and choices can be made each day from an extensive menu to suit all tastes. The daily menu is displayed in the lounge for all to see. The staff and chefs are always happy and available to discuss special dietary requirements.
Laundry is collected from the residents room each day and returned to them within 48 hours, washed and ironed, we do ask though that all garments are labelled with the residents name. All residents’ rooms and public areas are cleaned daily.
Also the following services are available for residents
Visiting Hairdresser
Visiting Chiropodist
Visiting optician
Of course if residents wish to visit local facilities this can be arranged depending on the mobility of the person concerned
and we do have a wheelchair.
Spiritual Needs
Residents are free to follow the religion of their choice but also ministers from different denominations visit as and when required by residents. The non denominational volunteer group Parche visits the home each month for residents to join in their prayer and hymn session allowing less mobile residents to participate if they wish.